Strategies to Become a Good Business Leader – Fahim Ekbal Moledina

Strategies to Become a Good Business Leader - Fahim Ekbal Moledina

There is a big difference between being a good business leader who can get the task done most of the time and standing out as a great leader with the skills and capabilities to carry out all leadership goals regardless of the conditions. If you like to be great rather than mediocre or simply good, consider the keys to leadership from Fahim Ekbal Moledina. These are universal strengths that every great business leader has despite the kind of leadership being carried out.

#1 Versatile and Open Communication with Others

Good communication skills are an obvious requirement for leading others to the success of a business. However, if you have versatile communication skills, you can adjust the tone of voice, body language, and other factors of demeanor to the condition at hand. A good business leader can communicate with others when they are in cooperation, but a good business leader can adjust those skills to communicate with anyone effectively.

#2 An Open Mind for Innovation

Stay focused on carrying out things the way they have always been done or in your manner. A good business leader listens to new ideas, but truly a good business leader knows how to take the right innovative ideas and use them to make the most cost-efficient ways to address issues and do strong business.

#3 Open Door Policy

This is a combination of having an open mind and establishing good communication skills. It does not matter how open-minded you are or how remarkable your skills in communicating are if everyone you are leading is scared off from coming to talk to you. Good business leaders say they are always open, while great leaders ensure everyone knows they can talk to them when essential, and then they follow through with that.

#4 Forward Focus

The best business leader can manage and keep things under control at the moment; however, a good leader like Fahim Moledina always has an eye on the future. He can tailor what he does today and what he instructs others to do to boost the company and make their team stronger in the future.


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