Pros & Cons Of Having A Project Management Consultant

Project Management Consultant fahim moledina

For projects to be done, project management consultants are hired. However, aside from the advantages, there can also be disadvantages to doing this. With this, here are some of the pros and cons to better understand and be aware of hiring a project management consultant from Fahim Ekbal Moledina.


• Impartiality

As per Fahim Moledina, a permanent employee could be influenced by an organization’s internal politics, which means they might consent to actions out of loyalty to their employer rather than for their own benefit. Contrarily, consultants bring an objective viewpoint that might significantly alter the way you conduct your company.
Competent consultant is always impartial and objective, and because they have no direct ties to the company, their “out-of-the-box” thinking allows them to concentrate solely on the goal or strategy set out with their clients without becoming sidetracked by internal issues.

• Keeps the business continuity

When organizations staff projects, they may think about using internal capabilities instead of consultants for a specific job. But in other circumstances, removing resources from the standing organization can have an influence on the ongoing operations; therefore, hiring consultants can be useful to guarantee business continuity.

• Best consulting practices

Since they serve a wide range of clients, consultants can provide experience from numerous businesses and sectors. They are able to provide innovative answers due to their diversity of thought. Additionally, it places them in a position where they can offer advice on best practices. Organizations can improve their own operations by studying the top performers in the field – Fahim Ekbal Moledina


• Can be expensive

Before hiring a consultant, prospective clients should have their budget under control. A consultant is typically more costly to operate term than an employee because an organization only pays for the services they actually use, as opposed to an employee who would be a continuing expenditure whether or not the abilities were in use. If a project is on a tight budget, it should only seek assistance if it is certain that doing so will increase productivity or profitability or if there really is no other way to proceed.

• Uncertainty

There really is no assured investment, despite the fact that consultants could have a variety of analytics to demonstrate that hiring them is a wise move. No matter how much it costs, there will always be a chance that an organization won’t get the results it hoped for when employing a consultant, even if the consultant would say that the chance is minimal.


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